Do You Know Your Opponent’s Poker Style?

Do You Know Your Opponent's Poker Style

My name is Justin, and I’ve been playing online poker professionally for three years. I’ve learned more about poker in these years than most people do in a lifetime. Here are the four main styles that online poker players fit into.

  • Loose aggressive
  • Tight aggressive
  • Loose passive
  • Tight passive

Loose aggressive- This is also known as a LAG player. A LAG player usually plays many different starting hands, and likes to bet and raise more often than call. Many LAG players like to see lots of flops. They will play hands like 5-7 offsuit and 4-6 suited whenever possible. They will call or raise with these hands, but will fold most other hands. Against most opponents, you can simply push all-in and expect to have about 30% of the time to win the hand. The trick to winning in this style is to know your opponents. How do you know whom to push all-in against? If you have a good read on your opponent, you can perform an online poker bluff. Online poker bluffing is a technique of representing big hands with hands that are actually strong. It allows you to trick your opponent into thinking you have a better hand than you actually hold.

Tight aggressive- This is also known as a TAG player. TAG players usually plays premium hands only and bluffs very little. Most TAG players will call or raise with very mediocre hands about 75% of the time. When you see a TAG player, make sure you know how to beat him. If you’re playing against a tight aggressive player, you can bet or raise and he will usually let you bet your hand. If you’re playing against a loose aggressive player, you can bet or raise with hands like J-10, Q-10, K-10, and A-Q. The trick to winning in this style is to lead your opponent to go all-in against you and take the pot.

Loose passive- This is also known as a LP player. LP players are usually involved in a lot of hands, and will call more bets than most players. Many poker players rule this style out, since it’s so easy to call with very premium hands. The benefit is that you will win more pots when you have the best hand, and win less when you don’t. Players with this style can range from very tight to loose, but regardless of loose/tight range, you will find that they like to bet or raise to win small pots. The biggest drawback to this style of play is that if you don’t have a very good hand, you will likely lose more pots playing this way than if you are playing a tight strategy.

Tight aggressive- This is also known as aTAG player. TAG players are for the most part, straightforward players. You don’t really want to trick this player, because he will know what you’re holding and he won’t fold to your bluff. Most TAG players raise with very premium hands, and they don’t mind if others raise as well. In addition, tight aggressive players like top pair, top kicker are likely to call or raise, so it’s a good idea to mix up your play. TAG players who raise are likely to be very aggressive and play towards the end of the table as well. Careful, though, that they don’t get all-in!

When you’re considering Lilly to play Naga303 online, remember that she isn’t necessarily a beginner poker player, but she has a more demanding attitude. She wants to win big pots, and she isn’t satisfied sitting on the sidelines and folding hand after hand. her poker style is aggressive, but flexible. When you play Lilly, you want to approach from the view that she will call you with just about any hand. From that position, Lilly will be difficult to put on a hand since she is so aggressive, but you can be sure that you will win the showdown. If you’re not careful, you will find her re-raise your big hands, and that’s when you have a real bad decision. Practice at low limit no limit games, and you will find Lilly to be just as tight and aggressive as other online poker players. When you do have a premium hand, you can win big pots against her. Just don’t lose too many of them.