How to Win the Lottery

How to Win the Lottery

If there was a sure-fire technique that could make you a millionaire overnight it would be the Lottery. Look at it this way – you go to the Market and you buy one Number. How do you know if the Number you bought is the winning Number?

It could be that Number 7 is the winning number, and that it is only good luck that made you win. How is that so? It could be that you haven’t purchased a ticket for seven whole months. It could be that you pounded the pave way too hard to get a winning ticket. Perhaps you even thought of writing that Number 7 down but then thought better not to, and walked away, or worse, you shouted at themidget man asking him if Seven was his Number.

All these things are possible, but most likely the reasons are more complicated and varied then you might ascertain. The thing is, if the lottery was an instant win then everyone would win, in which case there would be no need to play.

One of the few ironclad rules about the lottery is, once you buy a ticket or tokens, you cannot cash them in for a few years, except in very exceptional circumstances, such as a death in the family, and theirs. There is too much chance of fraud, bias and mistakes, and those reasons are not to be discussed.

If, in fact, you share the secret of winning the pokerace99, whether the jackpot or not, you better be very, very rich. Otherwise, you are just giving other people leverage against you.

To get rich quick, and also away from the hassle of finances, there is an easier way. Buy a lotto ticket with the same numbers, and play theeria lottery. Yes, it will probably take a while to get the hang of it, and yes you will have to share any money won by others. However, once you have had your eye on the money, you will reap a ton rewards.

To play theiera lottery, choose six numbers from 1 to 42 in the red box, or you can ask for a quick pick which the lottery clerk will either send up to you, or another numbered balls, or you can also choose to play the super pick where the cash goes to a super fund that is separate from the rest of the lottery money.

There is no need to do any guesswork here, all you have to do is to fill the lottery slip with the numbers you choose, and hand it to the clerk and pay for it. If you win the jackpot, the money is automatically sent to your registered home address, and you may come across a lot of problems with it, especially if there are several winners. However, if you win the lesser prizes, you might need to find a different lottery ticket supplier altogether.

Common problems with the Irish Lotto include:

  • Can’t play multiple tickets. The Irish Lotto has a one ticket per play restriction, so conventional print – aways or joining cards aren’t allowed.
  • Payment doesn’t processing instantaneously. Payment systems might be slow in the post 9.30 deadline, occasionally taking up to 24 hours to process.
  • Rarely are tickets returned.
  • Your chosen numbers may not be published in the newspaper.

The solution to all these problems is simple, find a different lottery ticket supplier. Irish Lotto players can use Quick Tickets, while Euro Millions players can use the Wissenshr Working on an as yet unknown number.

The Wissenshr Working on the other hand, use all your regular data but generate guaranteed one off tickets. The postcode lottery tickets will be published in the German weekly “B Polewuerde” and will be available to purchase through authorized ticket sellers.

American Lotto players can use an Acevant Pro supplier, who will supply them with Guaranteed One Off tickets. The prices don’t seem to compare particularly, as the Acevant Pro tickets cost $1, while the Quick Tickets cost $1.50.

Finally, the last great lottery bingo prize is the unabated row number. This prize is given in the UK by the Against All Odds bingo run by Marc Edwards. This run has been running for two hundred and fifty issue, and draws once a week, so far. No matter where you live, you can join in the fun. For more information, visit the Against All Odds website at

With a million to one odds against you, the Irish Lotto is a welcome alternative to other lotteries. Add the Irish Lotto to your gambling portfolio.